4.6% ABV 440ml
"Dolce Far Niente" is a delightful and refreshing beer that encapsulates the essence of leisurely moments and the art of savouring life. This Italian-inspired lager offers a smooth and crisp taste, inviting you to embrace the sweetness of doing nothing.
With a golden hue reminiscent of sunlit afternoons in the Mediterranean, this lager presents a balanced flavour profile. Expect a mild malty sweetness that harmonizes with a subtle hop character of Tettnager and Saphir, creating a beer that is easy-drinking and perfect for laid-back occasions.
The aroma is a gentle dance of malt and hops, with hints of floral and citrus notes that evoke a sense of tranquility. Whether you're enjoying a lazy afternoon with friends or unwinding after a day's work, Dolce Far Niente Lager is designed to complement those moments of relaxation.
Sip, savour, and indulge in the sweetness of doing nothing with every refreshing drop of Dolce Far Niente Lager - a beer that turns the simple act of enjoying life into a flavourful experience.